
Just a small reminder about my inspiration blog ( I share a lot of the things I find online here, and tell you about new artists, inspiering things and exiteing projects. I mostly focus on photography, design and things that happen in Norway.

The lastest post is about Eline, my classmate from Bilder Nordic.
Photo: Eline Karlsdatter Fladseth
Feel free to have a look, and be inspired.
I promiss to be updateing it more oftent, now that summer is almost over, and I have time again.

The latest update from my personallife is that I'm back in Trondheim, looking for both a job and an appartment. Please let me know if you have something for me! :)

NeatFoto facebook page

I've just made a NeatFoto facebook page, I'd love it if you guys would follow it and show your friends :)
I've just moved to Trondheim, and is now a new and hard working photographer... Not taking to many pictures jet, but I'm doing my best to get some jobs.

If you know anyone that might need a photographer, please let them know about me! :)

Last week I did a job for a friend, photographing his 3 month old baby-boy, Jesper.


Went to Lillehammer for a big bbq on our way from Oslo to Trondheim. My friend Ivar wanted to bbq a whole lamb, so he invited a bunch over for bbq and a kick ass party in the summer sun. I had a great time!

Ivar, you rock! Lets to this every year!