I've been planing to write a new post for some days now, but I keep running out of time. School everyday this week, and Helle was visiting last weekend. It was so much fun having her over, she came Sat at 06.30 with the night train. We had a lot of coffee and met a lot of people in the day and a half she was here. My grandparnts came over, my grandma even had permition to leave the hospital she's in right now. And we had some great hours with lunch and good stories, before they left again. And then my dad and Aurora came over to say hi. At 6o'clock me and Pål had tickets to see a comedy show (Ylvis 3), so Helle went to meet a friend. The comedyshow was fantastic and so much fun, and after we went to catch up with Helle and Silje (her friend). They were at a bar drinking beer, so we joined them. It was a fun night. Sunday morning before Helle left we had breakfast with my aunts. And then she had to leave. And I had some school stuff to do, so we went home. Later we went to see an outdoor screening of a swedish movie "Låt den retta komma inn". It was cold, but heaps of fun. We had three blankets and winterclothing on! :D
These last few days I've not done anything other that sleeping and been to school. And today I desided I deserved to get my hair done. So now I have shortish hair again...

I wanted to thank everyone that helped me with my first assignment on flickr. I'm now almost done with another one. Selfportrait that looks like/ has the same feel as/inspried by an other picture... I choose a picture by Cindy Sherman, not shure about this one jet, so if you have any ideas or comments, please let me know...

My Pic..

Hope everything is good with all of you.
3 kommentarer:
Ha ha ha, veldig bra selvportrett, Ina. Du kunne kanskje vært litt mer bustete på hue :)
Apropos hue:
Gratulerer med fin ny sveis!
Wow syns du sa du isje syns bildet blei bra.. d blei jo driiitkult! Seriøst, nice jåbb.
Æsj nå fekk eg prestasjonsangst. Eg ser helt mongis ut. Meeeeen..
Selvportrettet ditt ble dritfett, likte den tjafsen fra luggen henger ned i ansiktet og ansiktsuttrykket ditt :)
Og som du kler kort hår a, frøken! Dødsfin! :D
Jeg har mid semester break nå, pakker og er klar for Brisbane og resten av Gold Coast i morgen og gleder meg som en kid i nysnøen med ny bobledress! :D
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