I've lost my creativity again! Just don't feel like i've taken any pictures that I really like since my pola series. I have no idea how to get it back! I'm going to my grandfather today, to say hi, and to scann som film. Maybe it's something good on that? It might be. The film is from my (sorry, it's påls, but i'm borowing it) fisheye lomo camera, and I realy hope some cool pics will come out of it :)
Lately I've just done my assignments, and none of them very fun or exiteing. I'm not even gonna post them. Some lifestyle pictures and some dokumentary, and every week we have lighting class with assignments. That class used to be the most boring class we had, and now it's the one I learn the most. We also have a realy good vissual communication class, I've learned more there in 1 month, than in 1 year at Swinburne. So it's good, but I just can't seem to get started with my own stuff. Oh well, hopefully it'll reapear soon.
We leave for Spain in a month! :) My mum just came back from wisiting Helle, and they had a great time. I can't wait to go!! It's gonna be sooo much fun!
One other thing, Lelia, our friend from Australia, is moving back to the states, and she getting married there, so we are talking about going! Just need to save some money! :)
Well, thats it. Here are some pics from our girls night out on sat:
2 kommentarer:
inspirasjonen kommer nok fortere enn du tror, du er jo så kreativ. kanskje du må oppsøke litt nye steder, der du ikke har vært. De kjedeligste og rareste ting kan få fram inspirasjonen de også. Når du kommer hit så er det masse for deg å ta bilder av. Mye rart å se her... høres ut som en god plan å komme seg til usa. Det blir nok gøy.
Gleder meg veldig masse til dere kommer jeg også. Lurer litt på hva dere har mest lyst til å gjøre, for rekker ikke alt på 4 dager, dere må velge ut litt.
Oh, you might be going to the wedding too? That's awesome! I might see you there, then!
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