I haven't had time to work on my Neat project, but now I'm really trying to get som more stuff out there. Right now it's just a t-shirt store online, but the dream is to make the t-shirts my self, and sell it as my own label. I have heaps of help from friends, I just need to get the ball rolling. I'm hoping it can evolve in to more than just a store, but one thing at the time.
Have a look at the new stuff I made yesterday. You can change the clothes, the design and colors as you like. Play around for a bit, and make it your unique Neat t-shirt.
Other than working on this I've been on a tryout-workday as an assistant for a photosgrapher here in Oslo, Mari Svenningsen. She's young and very nice, and really good at what she does. I think I could learn a lot there, and it would be fun to learn by doing, and to learn what it relevant. I know a lot of people that are a bit skeptical of the job, because it would mean that I would quit my education, again... But I really think I would learn just as much there, and the way the industry is in Norway, you don't really need school, most photographers here haven't any, but they've worked as assistants and tranees. But I don't even know if I get the job, I just have to wait and see.
2 kommentarer:
If/when you get your label going, you've got someone in the US who'll wear stuff and tell people about you. :) Well, I'll be in the US...soon. I'll have to get one of your shirts when things settle down and I'm back home!
People get afraid when you talk about leaving your "education," but what they're really afraid of is that not having a sheet of paper is going to negatively affect you. I think you can get so much more out of practicing, either by yourself or with a mentor. You work at your own pace, so you learn well, and then you also have the practical work to show clients when you start out. Uni doesn't give you enough time to produce really great stuff, I don't think, and so you come out with very little you can use, other than to say you've been somewhere.
You'll do well, whatever you choose to do, and whether you get this job with Mari Svenningsen or not, but you really can't beat practical knowledge. I think it's great that you left uni here when you did and went for something that was more hands-on. I think it's been exactly what you needed. :) You certainly seem much happier doing what you're doing!
Neat e awesomet. En vakker dag sga eg kjøpa ei av t-sjortene å sykla ront som reklameplakat.
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