I've been so buzy these last few weeks. Well, it's not that few when I think about it, for about 5 weeks it's been crazy. Assignments, work and school. It's been stress full, but also a lot of fun.
I've done a few shoots that I'm pretty happy with, and the "bad things" series, is going to be a part of an exhebition we are putting together. I'll let you know more about it in a few days.
This is a shoot I did on Sunday, the model is my very good friend Jade, and it was a very quiet and calm shoot. It was just the two of us, and I really like the outcome. She did a great job, and it's realy nice to work with peolpe that can relax around you. She's been a lot on stages, so she knows a bit of acting as well, and that also makes it easier to get the right feeling and expression.
To see more, visit my Flickrpage
An other shoot I had this week was a different kind of shoot. I wanted to play with light, colors and people not posing to much for the camera.
And thats all for now.
By the way, in one week, I'm travelig to LAS VEGAS!! I'm going to Lelia and Andrews wedding.. :D YAY and HappyDay!
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