First week

I started monday with a very laidback subject called portfolio development. We only talked about what we've done before, and what to ecspect from this semester and school. We did get a few assignments to work on, so I used all day monday to work on it. Even got around to take a few pictures for one of them. The themes for the assignments are: selfportrait, fall, passion and a small documentation of something.
I have some ideas that I want to try out, I'll let you know if it goes well and let you see when I'm done. In the mean time, I'll post work in progress on my flickr page, so if you feel like helping me out, please do. I need all the feed back and help I can get.

Yesterday I had camera and camera use. It was fantastic, I love that they take the basics so seriously. I did know a lot of it, but now I know how it works and why some of the things are like they are. When you teach yourself, you miss out on a lot of important stuff, so I'm very happy they go trough everything like that. It was alot about cameras and how they work, lenses and other cameraequipment. What to look for, how to use it and the difference between them. Can't wait to learn more about it. I also had Digiatl Darkroom yesterday, but not much new there. Wery basic about tagging your pictures, brige and stuff you shuld and shuldn't do when importing a new batch. Some good tips and ideas, and it's important that people learn that stuff. It saves you alot of time a energy.

I have today of, so I' gonna use today to take some more pics for the assignment.

How is everything with you guys?


2 kommentarer:

mb sa...

Høres veldig bra ut, gleder meg til å se mer av bildene dine. Passion-bildene var grisefine!

Her er det myye å gjøre, men ble endelig ferdig med webportfolioen i går, så nå er det lov å håpe at det roer seg LITT i alle fall. Fikk vite hva min siste weboppgave er, det er oppdrag fra kunde, min er Bendigo East Swimming Club. Woheeei, hvor spennende! :P haha. Ellers fint lite som skjer, har fysa på rødvin hele uka, så det skal jeg spandere på meg selv i helga, da er det en tur til Hege og Jonas. Må på Queen Victoria Market og bli litt inspirert av alt juggelet :P

mb sa...

vet du hva?
jeg ønsker meg et bilde, har en ramme hjemme som trenger innhold. litt tricky format da, 60cm x 15 cm ca, helst stående ;) får velge motiv selv, men noe med kult utsnitt ;) om du vil, og når du har tid og energi og føler for det ;)