I'M in Los Angeles! YAY! or more correct is Hollywood. I'm here with my boyfriend and two friends. The trip here took about 15 hours, so not too bad. Came here around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and took a taxi from the airport. We came during rush hour, so the ride from the airport to Hollywood took about an hour. It was okey, we got to see alot, and had a nice taxi-driver that told us lots of useful infomation.
We are staying at "Celebrity Hollywood Hotel", and the location as unbelieveble!
Vis større kartIt's located right behind "Kodak Theatre" and Hollywood bl. It's perfect! and the stadard is heaps better than I ever expected. The beds are HUGE! We have two in our room, but we're only using one... :)
Walked around here last night, got to see the walk of fame and had a look around. had some pizza at Miceli. Very cosy and nice place.
After dinner, we needed to do something, so we went to "Ripley's believe it or not". Not really worth the money, but an okey way to kill some time. We were all tired from the flight, and went to bed early.
I woke up really early, so I was out side walking around at 7am. It was realy nice! Almost no people, and the sun was just on it's way up. I had some coffee and a bagle at "coffeebean and tealeaf" and just walked around waiting for the boys to wake up.
The rest of the day was spent at "Universal Studios". We took almost all the rides, and had a good time. The whole thing was very american, kind of fake and they used the same tricks on every ride. I was a bit disapointed with the rides, but I'm a big fan of rollercoasters and not so much getting scared with flames and loud noises. But we had a good time, and now I'm in my room with sore feet taking a small break.
Now we're going to see if can find some good food just outside the hotel.
later gater
4 kommentarer:
Oh my this is so exciting! Kos dokke masse masse. Mere bilder!
Så artig å få være med på reisen deres via bloggen, e det ikke herlig å være der? Æ følge med...
Vi også. Fine bilder, Ina, jeg kan regelrett LUKTE LA. Nå er dere kanskje på vei til Las Vegas...eller er dere der alt? Det ble så stille på Twitter :(
Kos dere masse, vi tenker på dere!
Trivsel! Kos dere masse masse!
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