
spent a memorable weekend in Drammen this weekend. Drammen is about 1 hour south of Oslo, and it's where my friend MB lives. We went there because of a skateboard festival, Fjølfest'09.

We had a great weekend with 30 degrees weather, beer and bbq in the park, lots of fun and two trips to the emergencyroom. Nothing really bad, MB jumped of a boat and missed land, so she cut her lip and I managed to cut my foot on broken glass and get an infection. But other than that the weekend was amazing. Torra and Ingrid was there the first day to, and it was great seeing them.

I did a photography workshop, but because of my trip to the emergecyroom, didn't get to participate on saturday. MB and Pål did a longboard workshop and on sunday, Pål skated in the downhill compitition.

This is what summer is all about, and I love it!! :)

what a way to start a day

I woke up this morning tired and just wanted to rip my hair out. I have my exams this week, and it's killing me. My head is about to expolde and I'm just so sick of it. But the day turned out a bit better than I expected..

I got up and got ready for a jobintervju, just a part time job at a cafe. I was running a bit late, and run out the door. It was raining! Not just a little! And I was wearing my fabric converse shooes. As I was walking, I found out they have holes in them... My feet were sooo wet! I had to walk like that for 30 mins, and of course this did not help my mood! The only good thing was that I was out of the house and not working on the stupid exam. I got to the intervju, and it went well. I think I might get it, maybe...

On my way back home I desided to catch the train. When I got down in the subway I helped two ladies from Vancouver get the right ticket, and show the to the right train. They were going to the museum in Tøyen, the stop after mine. On the train I was sitting in my own thougts, and I missed my stop. I was just sitting there, not getting of... I have no idea what happend, but I got of at the next stop, and one of the ladies run up to me and gave me a pin, a cute pin with Vancouver 2010 vinter olypics on it. Just as a thank you. I've never gotten a gift from a stranger before, exept for one of my regulares at "cafe rosso" in Melbourne, when I was leaving. It's really nice feeling :)

It made my day :) I took the train back, and now I'm inside. My socks are hanging to dry, I have a nice pin, I helped someone and I've got some new energy to finish of this exam.

It's only 12.30, and all these things has happend... wonder what will happen the rest of the day... :)

Tomorrow my semester is over, and I can have a life again! yey!

later gater


Hi everyone,
just a quick update. A lot of stuff has happend lately.
Big semester assignment in visuall communication. This is two out of 4 ads we had to create. I had a lot of fun doing mine, and hope to do more stuff like that next semester.

Other than that I've been in Drammen wisiting MB, and got to hang with her friends and watch her bachelor exhebition. She did great, and I with her all the best!

This weekend I've been to three different family gatherings, sat the wohle family on my mothersside gather at Nærsnes, for a big picknic. It's once a year, and this year was the first for me. It was very nice and laidback, and I got to meet people I normaly only would meet at funerals, so it was very nice.

On sunday my cousin got confirmed, and we had dinner at his house. It was a very nice and small gathering. My sister, Helle and my grandfather both had traditional Norwegian clothes on, and they were soo pretty.

Monday we buried my grandmothers ashes, it was sad, but it felt good at the same time. It feels like we can finaly move on.

This week I'm studying for my exams, I have 5 days with exams next week. One theoretical and 4 days with practical. But after that, ITS SUMMER!! :D YEY!

I'm looking for a job by the way, so if anyone knows about something, let me know! :)
