Spring! ;D

Odin, MBs new dog! :)

Turid and Odin are good friends

mmm, pizza!

Ice everywhere!

Slippery indeed!

new blog

I've desided to divide my blog in to two blogs. One for me on a more personal level, and one dedicated to photography.


The new one is going to be about my work, photography tips, some photography history, how to do stuff and some inspiration. It's in Norwegian, but it's going to have a lot of pictures and it should be possible to follow it even if you don't understand all of it.


spent one great weekend in oslo.. :) wine, friends, dinners and fun...


I had a day doing selfportraits, I've been meaning to do it for a long time, but I never came around to do it. After seeing what very talented Kine Jensen did a few months ago, I was so inspired and wanted to do something like it.
This is how it went: